Welcome to Darwin’s Door.
As a child, did you love dinosaurs? Maybe you still do? People are often fascinated with them. Pop culture and everyday media is saturated with images of ferocious beasts from times long ago. But what happens when you grow up? That fascination in the ancient past doesn’t always fade, at least, for us it didn’t.
We are a group of university students dedicated to exploring the many areas of our field, palaeontology. Our aim is to bring you a fresh take on scientific content in an understandable and entertaining way. If you’re new to the field, have studied it for years, or are just looking for an interesting read, our blog is designed for everyone.
New articles will be published every two weeks, and will fall into one of the subject pages as explained below. New articles can be found on the Feed and on their subject page.
We always welcome your opinion, just use the contact information on this page to get in touch with questions, suggestions, and more.
We hope you enjoy reading.

Here we will post all the latest articles, which can also be found on their subject page.
Click the above title for a rundown of all of our article categories and to find specific articles.
Original Palaeoart
A collection of original artworks by our very own Jack Wood.
Logo Gallery
An archive of our many themed logo designs.
Find out more about our five authors and our guest contributors here.